Friday, February 21, 2014

HiyaHiya Interchangeable Sharps Needle Sets

Today I'd like to post about some of my favorite knitting equipment: HiyaHiya Interchangeable Needle Sets.

This post is a little picture-heavy, but hopefully you'll find the pictures informative. 

I kept my Christmas money so I could buy these interchangeable sets as soon as our local yarn store had them in stock again. They are a dream to knit with! 

There are two sets- Small (sizes 2-8) and Large (sizes 9-15).

Left- Small set. Right- Large set
Left- Small set. Right-Large set with Size 13 attached to 24/26" cord. 

The back of the pouch has a pocket for cords.

Each set comes with four cords- 16/18", 24/26", 32/34", 40/42"- and two rubber holders used to screw them in securely so the joins are seamless.

Each cord comes in its own bag for storage.

Rubber Holders

It is important that you use the rubber holders to secure the needles and the cord together. Hand-tighten the needle and finish tightening with the rubber holders. 

Partially-tightened needle and cord join

I have had my needles for almost two months and used them with many projects (including my recent pair of socks), and I have never had a problem with the joins catching yarn or coming loose. 

Now for the needles themselves! 

Needles from the Small and Large sets, sizes 2-15

The needles in the Large set are just under 4 1/2" long before being joined with the cord... (Please excuse the alignment error in the picture! I didn't catch it until I had already uploaded the picture.)

...while the needles in the Small set are just over 4 1/2" in length. 

Here are a few pictures of the joins. (Please excuse the different backgrounds. My camera did NOT like being so close/zooming in on those small joins and kept focusing on the wood grain of my desk.)

Small set size 2 needle and cable join
The join is very smooth.

Large set size 13 needle and cable join

Here is a comparison of the needles with and without the cable join: 

The size 13 and size 15 needles do seem a bit stubby compared to the others, but that hasn't caused any problems for me while working with them. 

I wouldn't use these for lacework since they're slippery, but for everything else, they're awesome! 

These sets were definitely a splurge (they're about $80 each), but I think they'll help me save some money in the long run. (I say that, but I already owned about 2/3 of these sizes in straights! Hehe)

The HiyaHiya Interchangeables also come in a lovely multicolored bamboo needle, so if you prefer bamboo but want something with an insanely smooth and virtually non-existent join, HiyaHiya has you covered. I prefer steel needles since a little demon dog named Pete likes to chew on bamboo if he can get a hold of it while I'm distracted by the dishes....

Who, me?

Note: This post wasn't sponsored by anyone. I just wanted to share my experience with HiyaHiya needles. 

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