Monday, May 13, 2013

Textured Rib Baby Beanie Test Pattern

I've been working on the Patchwork Blanket by Sandi Prosser from the 60 Quick Baby Knits book.

I really, really like the pattern for Block V. Prosser calls it a "textured rib."

I apologize for the cruddy picture. It is difficult to take a nice picture of anything in this peach-colored yarn.

I'm working on modifying this pattern a bit and using it as another Click for Babies beanie pattern.

I normally prefer knitting things flat and seaming them, but I may try doing this in the round soon.

**This beanie pattern has not yet been test knit by anyone other than myself. Please try it and let me know if/when/where you encounter problems.

Textured Rib Baby Beanie 

Using size 8 or 9 straights, CO 66 using long-tail CO.

Knit in K1P1 ribbing for ~1 inch.

Textured Ribbing:

Row 1: Knit all
Row 2:  K2, (P1, K3) to end of row
Row 3: Knit all
Row 4: P1, (K3, P1) to last stitch, K1.

Continue in textured pattern until work measures about 4-5 inches.

Row 1: (K2, K2 tog) to last 2, K2.
Row 2:  K1, (P1, K3) repeat to last stitch, P1.
Row 3: (K1, K2 tog) to last 2, K2.
Row 4: (K2, P1) to last stitch, K1.
Row 5: K2 tog to end of row.
Row 6: K2 tog to last stitch, K1.

Thread yarn through remaining stitches and seam the hat using the invisible mattress stitch. 

Add embellishments or modify as needed!

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